
社会工作学院在读学生,请浏览 社会工作学校网站.


澳门葡京博彩软件为研究生学习提供许多学费奖学金. 数额根据情况和可用资金而有所不同. 如果申请人对奖学金援助感兴趣, 他们必须在申请截止日期前申请自己感兴趣的课程.


奖学金适用于国际申请者. C和idates should submit required forms 和 supporting documentation by the deadline for their program of interest.

研究金的数目是有限的, 我们强烈建议所有申请者申请学费、奖学金和贷款.

In accepting one of these appointments, the student agrees to remain for the duration of the program.


MFA students in the department of dance receive teaching fellowships 和 teach the equivalent of three undergraduate studio courses per year. 除了一门必修的研究生课程外,每个学生都可以获得学费减免.


生物科学系设有教学奖学金. They combine fellowship aid with practical experience 和 an opportunity to gain competence in a specialized field of study. 每个助教都可以获得所有必修研究生课程的学费减免.

Research fellowships are granted for work in various science departments as funds become available; stipends vary in accordance with the nature 和 length of the appointment. 在学年中,研究人员通常进行半学期的研究生课程.

Student loans are administered by the Office of Student Financial 服务 和 are included in your financial aid award if you have completed the necessary requirements. 贷款是一种必须有利息偿还的经济援助.

澳门葡京博彩软件的学生必须使用NetPartner来接受, 下降, 或者减少作为经济援助奖励的一部分提供的贷款.

澳门葡京博彩软件大学注册的学生最常获得的两种贷款是 联邦直接无补贴学生贷款毕业生联邦直接加贷款.


Applicants interested in federal loans should complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) by 2月15日 或者在申请入学后尽快.

学生 who have special circumstances 和 determine that they need additional funds beyond the established Cost of Attendance may appeal to increase their loan eligibility. 待考虑, graduate students should contact Student Financial 服务 by email to request a budget form 和 describe their special circumstances.


Domestic students who have submitted a FAFSA 和 who would like to borrow a federal direct student loan for the upcoming academic year can submit a request on NetPartner: From the Menu, 选择网上可填写表格.

贷款申请将在财政援助申请完成并经过审查后进行处理. Once the loan is processed you will receive an email directing you to NetPartner to review 和 accept all or any portion of the loans offered.


研究生每年的最高贷款额为20美元,500美元或所有其他援助费用之间的差额, 取较小者. 学生 must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to maintain their eligibility to borrow.


研究生在斯塔福德贷款中的终身上限为138,500美元. 这包括本科生和研究生的借款.

 利率在贷款期间是固定的. 贷款的利率取决于它第一次支付的时间. 在校期间,补贴贷款不计息,而非补贴贷款计息. 以下利率仅适用于研究生水平的学生贷款. 

 第一次支付  无补贴利率 
 2023年7月1日至2024年6月30日   7.05%

教育部对直接贷款收取发起费. Fees are deducted from Direct Loan amounts; therefore, 支付到学费账户的金额略低于所借的贷款金额. 贷款的费率是根据第一次支付的时间而定的. 

 第一次支付  有补贴/无补贴贷款费率 
 10/1/2020至9/30/2024  1.057%


在你收到5月1日开始的最终获奖信当天或之后,请访问 http://studentloans.政府 并完成:

  1. Entrance Counseling (this provides information about your rights 和 responsibilities as a borrower) 和
  2. 主本票(如已在直接贷款计划下填写,则不需要)



  • 学分余额将自动退还给研究生. 退款 are processed on a weekly basis beginning one week before the start of classes in the fall 和 spring semesters.
  • 我们建议直接存入工资办公室,以便更快、更容易地获得退款.
  • 退款 should be expended with caution, as they are meant to cover expenses over an extended period.
  • 如果助学金或费用因课程更改或撤销而修改, 全部或部分退款可能到期退回.

退款警告: 如果欠了任何要求,贷款将不会支付. And it can take up to three weeks from the time they are satisfied for them to be received 和 coded to accounts for the loan to disburse 和, 如果贷款超额支付一个账户, 以备余款退还, 因为这些都是每周的过程. 因此, 如果你指望从这笔贷款中获得退款, 确保在需要资金的三周前满足任何欠下的要求.

贷款从离校(毕业)后开始偿还, 撤军, 请假)或请假时间低于半日及宽限期者. 

The grace period is a period in which payments are not due 和 which lasts for six months unless reduced or depleted due to a previous separation from enrollment.

7月1日前发放的补贴贷款, 2012年和7月1日之后, 2014年宽限期内不计息. 无补贴贷款和有补贴贷款在7月1日之间发放, 2012年和7月1日, 2014年宽限期内不计息.

每月的付款金额是基于所借金额和您选择的付款计划. 如果不选择付款,则默认计划为标准计划,还款期限为10年. 支付 may not be less than $50 per month; therefore, 根据贷款金额的不同,标准贷款期限可能在10年以内.

学生 who have borrowed through the Federal Direct Loan programs are required to complete exit counseling if they are no longer enrolled at least half-time. 当完成这一要求时,澳门葡京博彩软件将收到电子通知.



A Graduate PLUS Loan is an option for students who require additional funding for graduate school after maximizing grants, 奖学金和直接斯塔福德贷款. Eligibility for the Graduate PLUS Loan is based on the student's credit history; you cannot have an adverse credit history. 提供给U.S. 公民只有.

利率在贷款期间是固定的. 贷款的利率取决于它第一次支付的时间. 在校期间,补贴贷款不计息,而非补贴贷款计息. 以下利率仅适用于研究生水平的学生贷款. 

 第一次支付  无补贴利率 
 7/1/2022至6/30/2023   7.54%

教育部对直接贷款收取发起费. Fees are deducted from Direct Loan amounts; therefore, 支付到学费账户的金额略低于所借的贷款金额. 贷款的费率是根据第一次支付的时间而定的. 

 第一次支付  有补贴/无补贴贷款费率 
 2020年10月1日至2023年9月30日   4.228%



  1. 通过发送电子邮件请求您的借款限额 loanhelp@iin3d.com
  2. 决定要借多少钱
  3. 申请贷款人批准的网址为 http://studentloans.政府
  4. 填写一张主本票(MPN) http://studentloans.政府
  5. 完成研究生PLUS入学咨询 http://studentloans.政府

  1. 另外,贷款请求被传送给澳门葡京博彩软件
  2. 经信贷批准的贷款由澳门葡京博彩软件审批
  3. 批准的贷款被发放(在我们的系统中创建并传送到教育部). The 教育部 then sends disclosures about the newly created loans directly to borrowers.
  4. 与有效mpn挂钩的原始贷款按周发放, 但不得早于每学期开始前10天.
  5. 该部门将已发放的贷款分配给服务机构(管理贷款的公司)。. 服务包括但不限于账单、付款处理、延期请求等.

学生离开澳门葡京博彩软件六个月后开始偿还贷款, 毕业或退学至少有一半时间. 六个月的时间框架被认为是宽限期.

你可以估算你每月的贷款还款额 联邦贷款计算器.

学生 who have borrowed through the Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan program are required to complete exit counseling if they are no longer enrolled at least half-time. 当完成这一要求时,澳门葡京博彩软件将收到电子通知.


如果你从学校以外的组织得到任何帮助, 在计算你的经济援助奖励时必须考虑到这笔援助. 你需要向学生金融服务办公室报告所有的外部援助.

一旦你通知我们任何援助,预计将直接发送到学院, 我们将把预期金额添加到学生账户中,作为待处理的学分, 减少应付金额.  如果援助预计会迟到,请通知我们,以便我们可以延长未决信贷.  任何预期但未收到的金额由学生负责.

校外资助,基于学生成绩或父母的就业情况(例如.g.:员工学费福利), 将首先减少或取代你的奖励的自助部分(联邦勤工俭学). 如果外部援助超过了自助, we will allow it to go toward the cost of the Smith health insurance plan or a one-time computer purchase.  Any amount of outside aid in excess of self-help 和 these costs will reduce Smith Grant dollar for dollar.

澳门葡京博彩软件 recognizes your achievement in being awarded outside aid; however, 外部援助可能影响你的澳门葡京博彩软件奖和/或你的联邦贷款.

下面列出的资源是为了方便您. 澳门葡京博彩软件并没有支持特定的援助来源.


U.S. 教育部





奖学金提供给高中毕业生, 本科生, 毕业生, 社区大学和非传统学生. 对大Y公司的客户和他们的家属以及大Y公司的员工和他们的家属开放.


澳门葡京博彩软件将考虑任何退伍军人的教育福利作为经济援助的资源. This means that financial assistance offered through Smith may be reduced when the amount of Veteran's Administration (VA) benefits are factored into the award. 这将适用于任何机构的财政援助. Our normal treatment for outside aid is to reduce or eliminate your self-help aid (loans or work-study). 如果你的外部援助超出了这些调整, 澳门葡京博彩软件助学金将逐笔减少. 然而, most VA educational benefits are exempt from being considered as a resource for determining federal financial aid funding levels. 这意味着你可能被允许保留联邦补贴贷款和联邦勤工俭学, 但可以减少澳门葡京博彩软件提供的任何资助. 澳门葡京博彩软件的优异奖不在此待遇之列. 学生 requesting certification must fill out a Veterans Certification Request form 和 submit it to the Office of the 注册商 along with their VA Certificate of Eligibility.



澳门葡京博彩软件很荣幸能成为我们国家退伍军人黄丝带计划的赞助商. 该项目是作为2008年9/11后退伍军人教育法案的一部分而创建的. 澳门葡京博彩软件对本科生和研究生都做出了承诺. 学生 seeking either a bachelor's or master's degree can apply for assistance through this program. 学生必须填写一份黄丝带福利申请表才能被考虑. 资金有限,以先到先得方式发放. 颁授与否将视此表格交回有关办事处的日期及时间而定. 任何申请这项福利的学生都被鼓励传真或电子邮件填写表格. This program is only open to those veterans who have met the necessary qualifications for enrollment in this program. 资格标准可在 U.S. 退伍军人事务部网站.


Any student awarded funding through the Yellow Ribbon 程序 will continue to receive this benefit as long as they remain in good academic st和ing 和 Smith continues to participate in the program. 学生还必须通过VA获得剩余的权利. 每年的资助水平将取决于澳门葡京博彩软件对这个项目的投入.

程序 入学人数最多 贡献
本科生 每年最多四名学生 $10,000

上述资金水平将由退伍军人事务部直接提供. Eligible students meeting the application criteria will be awarded the benefit regardless of whether they qualify for need-based assistance. 这项福利将以一美元对一美元的方式取代基于需求的赠款援助, 根据我们的对外援助政策. 学生 accepted into Smith's Yellow Ribbon 程序 will be required to present their VA Certificate of Eligibility to a school certifying official.

联系研究生 & 特殊的程序


2 Seelye Drive


北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-3050 电子邮件: gradstdy@iin3d.com




项目协调人: 露丝摩根